Quaggy Development Trust

Early Years Learning

We have made a video to explain the Early Years Foundation to parents. You can watch the video here

You can view online or download our Parents Supporting Learning booklets here.

Our planning cycle incorporates long/medium/weekly and daily planning which inter-connect and all staff, parents and children have the opportunity to feed into this process.

Through various forms of record keeping and assessments we are able to track and monitor the progression that children make in the nursery. Managers meetings with key people offer support and recognition of their key child’s achievements and enable next steps to be planned for and identified. The children’s progress is evident when staff and visitors observe the children participating and playing an active part in the daily routines and activities. This is reflected in the environment for example through the displays and the photos. The children are enthusiastic to come into nursery to explore and investigate the provision, a good balance of child initiated and adult led activities are provided for them across the seven areas of learning.

We strive to support the children to become confident learners who have autonomous access to activities as well as having responsibilities and being provided with new challenges, such as setting up at lunchtimes, being story time leaders and tidying up. Daily evaluations and planning is all drawn from the children’s needs and interests with input from the child’s key person who will be aware and know the individual children’s next steps, which is monitored and shown through regular tracking of the children’s development as well as regular observation and assessment.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Find out more about how you can find support through the Royal Borough of Greenwich ‘Local Offer’

Watch our video on the EYFS
