Quaggy Development Trust

Quaggy Children’s Centre and Family Hub


Quaggy Children’s Centre and Family Hub

You may have heard of Family Hubs in the news recently. Family Hubs are a new government initiative aimed at supporting families from pre-birth up to the age of 19, or 25 if the child has SEND (.

Royal Borough of Greenwich now has four Family Hubs, and one of them is Quaggy! We are thrilled to be a Family Hub as it fits in beautifully with the work we do in our nurseries and Children’s Centres.

There are five areas we need to cover, they are:

  1. Parent and infant relationships and peri-natal support
  2. Infant feeding support
  3. Early language support
  4. Home learning environment
  5. Parenting support 0-2

You may have seen or even been to one of our monthly Family Days held at Quaggy on a Saturday. Each month we have a theme which supports one or more areas above.

Royal Borough of Greenwich have also paid for every resident who lives in the borough and have children access to ‘our place’. This is a brilliant resource for parents to have in their ‘parenting toolbox’ it gives information, advice, and tips on what to do around the behaviours of babies, children, and teenagers. It’s been developed by psychotherapists, health visitors and NHS and educational professionals.  It is also available in other languages.  How to log on will be at the end of this blog.

The Solihull Approach programme is the face-to-face version of ‘our place’. We will be running this course in the Autumn term at Quaggy, if you are interested, and want to find out more, give us a call.

We are also excited to announce that Quaggy has written a course called ‘Express Yourself’. This is for mums and mums-to-be to have the chance to think about what it means to be a mum or mum-to-be and the changes that happen to mind and body. This is done by journalling these thoughts and feelings using a different creative medium each week. Mums who have been on this course have said it has helped them bond with their baby and recommend every mum attend this course!

We have been lucky to secure Lisa, our lactation practitioner, on a Thursday and deliver one-to-one infant feeding sessions, as well as the drop-in she does on a Friday.

The community team have been on recent training and are now delivering Bouncing Babies, a brilliant sing and sign group for babies up to 15 months. This group supports language development and bonding.

We are currently developing an exciting new home learning idea, which we are currently keeping under wraps until it’s ready to launch in September, so keep an eye out for that.

Hopefully, this has given you an idea of what Family Hubs are and what they do. Check out our website to find out more, such as when storytelling is on next and when the next Family Day is.

Log on to our place:


Access code: RBGFAMILY

Fill in some details to create an account.

