Quaggy Development Trust

What is Movember all about?


Hello Halo the Hippo here. I am Quaggy’s newest Blog writer. My first Blog is about Movember. So here goes!

Movember is an annual charity event, during which people are encouraged to grow a moustache for the whole month of November and be sponsored to do so.

The idea is that people who wouldn’t normally sport facial hair take grow a moustache. Growing a moustache when you don’t usually have one sparks conversation and a way to discuss various men’s health issues. If you can’t grow a moustache there are other things to do.

The whole thing is overseen by the Movember Foundation, a charity set up in 2003 to raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues.

Its particular areas of focus this year are prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention, and since its inception, the charity has raised more than £440m to help fund men’s health projects.

Although primarily aimed at men (those who take part are referred to as “Mo Bros” by the charity), there are now other ways to take part beyond growing a ‘tache, and Movember can be enjoyed by men and women alike.

Globally, three times more men than women die of suicide.

It’s unclear exactly why men are more likely to kill themselves than women but it’s thought that men are less likely to open up about mental health issues, perhaps due to the ongoing stigma attached to illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Movember works to break the taboo for men to talk about their health and mental health.

What else can I do to take part?

Not everyone can grow facial hair, but that doesn’t mean you can’t join in.

One way of doing so is to get moving, and Movember is challenging people to complete 60km in November, one for each of the 60 men lost to suicide each hour, every hour across the world.

Another way of getting involved is to host a charity event in aid of Movember. Quaggy are providing information over the month on men’s health issues so look out for social media posts and display information.

You may also be interested in our group where dads are welcome to come along and attend.

Dad’s Space is for expectant and new dads or men who have caring responsibilities for babies and young children under the age of two. Dad’s Space is every Wednesday Evening from 6:00pm – 7:30pm at Quaggy Children’s Centre, Orchard Hill, Lewisham, SE13 7QZ.

To find out more please call Quaggy Children’s Centre 020 84659785 or email lisa@quaggychildrenscentre.org.uk
to book a place scan our code or visit our website www.quaggydevelopmenttrust.org/quaggy-events





